Monday, October 10, 2011

A prayer for freedom to fall down and worship God

Scotty Smith, founding pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tenn., blogs prayers on The Gospel Coalition website. Here is one he offered Oct. 9 that goes well with the sermon on corporate worship preached the same date at Covenant Community Church:

"The secrets of their hearts are laid bare. So they will fall down and worship God, exclaiming, 'God is really among you!'" 1 Cor. 14:25

"Gracious Father, I’m not afraid for the secrets in my heart to be laid bare today — to be openly exposed and revealed. For I’m confident that you won’t deal with me according to my sin but according to the unsearchable riches of the gospel. Otherwise, I would surely fear and despair of such exposure. For in the gospel we find the generosity and kindness of your heart 'laid bare' and poured out on us. Because of Jesus, you welcome rebels, fools, and idolaters (just like me) into your presence.

"Indeed, the gospel is the sanctuary where my heart cries the loudest, 'God is really here!' Only the gospel of your grace frees us to fall down and worship you in humility, not humiliation; in gratitude, not groveling; in repentant faith, not self-centered penance; in the assurance of Christ’s righteousness, not the condemnation of our unrighteousness.

"Father, I pray our whole church family will enjoy this same freedom — especially as we gather each Lord’s Day to worship you. By the gospel, stun us, smite us, level us and gladden us. Free us from the worship of worship. Free us from 'iWorship' and 'I' worship. Expose our idols and topple them with your free and powerful grace. Free us from needing anything more than Jesus and your Spirit to worship you the way you deserve and delight to be worshiped.

"Help us realize when we’ve moved away from the 'sincere and pure devotion to Christ' (2 Cor. 11:3), to something else. And let us never forget that you are not seeking 'great worship' but true worshipers — those who worship you 'in the Spirit and in truth' (John 4:23).

"May our worship be so saturated with the truth and grace of the gospel that nonbelievers will be overwhelmed with your presence and captured by your love. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ most wonderful and worthy name. Amen."

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, a very 'Amen' we pray. Thank you for this post, Tom. After reading, I was compelled to read and pray aloud this very same prayer.
