Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marriage myth No. 2: A woman's value is based on her being a wife and mother

'Built to last' photo (c) 2008, Andreas Levers - license: is disturbing -- and sub-biblical! Yet, there seem to be some in the conservative Christian universe who have fallen prey to this tragic way of thinking. Yes, being a wife – or being a wife and mother -- is an important and honored calling from God, but it is not the basis of a woman’s value. Let’s start from scratch biblically: Women are made in the image of God, just like men (Gen. 1). They are valuable as image-bearers of God, not just as wives and mothers. Christian women are true worshipers (John 4), ambassadors for Christ (II Cor. 5) and priests (I Peter 2). They have been commissioned to make disciples (Matt. 28). They are to serve others (Gal. 5 and other passages). If married, with or without children, they have the opportunity to fulfill all these callings and more. If unmarried, they have the opportunity to do the same. Single Christian ladies can glorify God in all kinds of ways, including as teachers, missionaries and care-givers, even overseas. If you are a Christian parent of girls, please don’t give them the impression their value is based only on their roles as wife and mother. If you do, you will be promoting an unbiblical concept.

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