Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Corporate worship: Some important reminders

'St Ebbes 11:45 Service' photo (c) 2011, Jimmy and Sasha Reade - license: am providing a one-sentence review of each of the six posts I offered last year titled "Worshiping as a church" as the first entry in my return to blogging. God has created us to worship Him. Corporate worship is primary in church life. It is vital we think about it biblically. These truths -- which I believe are based on Scripture -- are important for Covenant Community Church to consider, and I long for us increasingly to understand and apply them as we gather each Sunday. After each point, there is a link to the original post that fleshes out the summary message.

Here are the six review statements:

1. Corporate worship as part of a local church is indispensable for Christians and has both God-ward and human-ward aspects. (Full post is here.)

2. Corporate worship is a priority for disciples of Jesus from the start to finish of their church's weekly gathering, and their presence provides numerous benefits, including the opportunity to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ. (Full post is here.)

3. Corporate worship calls for physical, mental and spiritual preparation that demonstrates its importance in the lives of Christian disciples. (Full post is here.)

4. Corporate worship is to be God-centered from the start and consists of the revelation of God and His work from Scripture, as well as His worshipers' response to that revelation. (Full post is here.)

5. Corporate worship is more than music, as important as it is, and includes a variety of activities during the church's time together. (Full post is here.)

6. Corporate worship calls for singing by the church as an activity that has multiple purposes. (Full post is here.)

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