The crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus the Messiah, are central to our existence as the church. Jesus came to suffer and die for our sins. He arose from the grave as Lord over life and death. This outline is intended to be an encouragement for you, and your family, to contemplate the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, including those pivotal events in history. Only one event and one Scripture passage are mentioned each day. There are passages from other gospel accounts regarding the same events, and there are other events on some days that also are recorded in the four gospels.
Day one: Sunday -- Jesus enters Jerusalem
Read Matthew 21:1-11: Jesus rides into Jerusalem in the fulfillment of prophecy and to the praises of the multitudes. Sadly, voices were raised calling for his execution only days later.
Day two: Monday – Jesus cleanses the temple
Read Mark 11:15-18: Jesus demonstrates zeal for His Father’s house. Jesus’ anger was a manifestation of His perfect righteousness.
Day three: Tuesday – Jesus teaches
Read Matthew 22:34-40: On a day filled with teaching, Jesus concisely states the two great commandments on which the “whole law and the prophets” depend.
Day four: Wednesday – Jesus forecasts His death
Read Matthew 26:1-5: Jesus predicts His crucifixion in only a few days, even as the Jewish leaders plot to kill Him. (This event may have occurred on Tuesday evening.)
Day five: Thursday – Jesus inaugurates the Lord’s Supper
Read Luke 22:17-20: Jesus shares the bread and the cup, as well as their meaning, with His disciples, instituting a memorial we observe to this day. Later, he entered the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and to be betrayed.
Day six: Friday – Jesus dies on the cross
Read Luke 23:33-49: Jesus – mocked, beaten, tried and sentenced – suffers and dies as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Day seven: Saturday – Jesus awaits the resurrection
Read Matthew 27:62-66: The body of Jesus is in the tomb on the Jewish Sabbath even as the Pharisees work to keep it from being taken away.
Day eight: Sunday – Jesus rises from the dead
Read John 20:1-20: He is risen! He is risen indeed!
(Resources used were A Harmony of the Gospels by A.T. Robertson; The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim, and Thompson Chain-Reference Bible.)
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