Tuesday, July 31, 2012

For your attention

1. Opting out of the same-sex marriage debate is no option – Owen Strachan, assistant professor of Christian theology and church history at Boyce College in Louisville, Ky., writes in a column republished by Baptist Press there is no opt-out for Christians on the issue of same-sex marriage. He says, “Get ready to feel lonely, Christian, and to be unliked. It's unavoidable for ethical, Gospel-driven evangelicals who know that they cannot sit this one out.”

2. Porn invades the public square – Joe Carter, an editor for The Gospel Coalition, reviews on TGC’s blog a news article about the growing reality of people viewing pornography in public venues and thereby invading the privacy of those who are seeking to avoid it. He writes, “In an age when so many Christian men have succumbed, and when Christian women brag on Facebook about reading Fifty Shades of Grey, why are we shocked to find nonbelievers bringing filth into the public square?”

3. The page that changed her life – In an ongoing series titled “The page that changed my life” on The Gospel Coalition blog, Gloria Furman, a pastor’s wife in Dubai, shares how a paragraph in the book A Gospel Primer changed hers.

4.The redefinition of religious liberty – Ross Douthat, a conservative columnist for The New York Times, explains how Western elites are minimizing true religious freedom – with the Chick-fil-A controversy and Obama administration’s contraceptive/abortion mandate two of the examples.

5. The gospel is at stake in a Mississippi Baptist church – Russell Moore, theology dean at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes eloquently about the gospel repercussions of a black couple’s wedding being moved from a Mississippi Baptist church’s building because of the complaints of some white members. This is an important statement about the centrality of the gospel in the life of a church.

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